Multiple August Shows in Vermont!

Wolfsgart 9.0 is coming up in 2 weeks, August 2nd through 5th, at the Champlain Valley Expo in Vermont!  Unfortunately I’ll be in NYC that weekend and unable to cover it but I recommend everyone that can there to head that way because it’s a massive event!

Next up on August 26th is the 2018 Eurobuilt Car Show & Charity Auction at the Vermont State Fair grounds in Rutland, VT.  Its third year looks to be a great one with with camping, activity, and as always the big auction to benefit Foundation Blue.  I wasn’t able to make it in 2017 but I’ll be back this year with full photo coverage.

NEW CONTENT: Wolfsgart 8

20170805vt000The album from last weekend is up with nearly 350 photos. Unfortunately this year life got crowded on show weekend and I wasn’t able to be as thorough as I wanted. Alpha Class has nearly full coverage but folks were prepping for the big cruise before I was able to hit the fields and so my opportunity to shoot outside was limited.

Travel and Jetta updates

Just a quick note – I’ve updated my travel plans page.  I’m hoping to hit 3 of the 5.  Wolfsgart and Eurobuilt are near certainties barring some sort of life crisis.  H2Oi is a bit of a moonshot.

In other news, I’ve had to divert funds towards replacing my wife’s transportation.  That and a couple other unexpected expenses make it pretty unlikely that the Jetta gets back on the road this year.  Am hoping to at least get the floor patched up before the snow returns.

This is not, no…

This is just a tribute.

Whoever was camping out on let it lapse, so I’ve snagged it and pointed it at The Johnson Show 2008 gallery, restoring continuity to links for anyone looking to relive that day.  I may flesh out something a bit more substantial, scraping together various forum accounts of the day and whatever the Wayback Machine has picked up into a coherent historical record.